(Deuteronomy 30:19)

(Deuteronomy 30:19)

...I have set before you life and death...Choose life so that you and your descendants may live.

Showing posts with label faithful citizenship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faithful citizenship. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Why Christians Must Vote for Mr. Trump & Pray?

"Make no mistake:
There is NO single issue that threatens innocent human life more directly, consistently, imminently, and urgently than the deliberate killing of baby boys and baby girls in their mother's womb.
No single issue." 

A number of excellent resources to consider:

  1. https://tomperna.org/2016/10/04/the-2016-presidential-election-voting-from-a-catholic-perspective-taught-in-one-awesome-homily/
  2. https://youtu.be/v0G1pmb-iNI 
  3. https://www.biblegateway.com/resources/all-women-bible/Jezebel-No-1

-------------  one of my respectable friends sent me the following email on the eve of Election Day:

1. Supreme Court and federal judges -- if you don't vote for Trump, get ready for lots more judges who make up laws to suit themselves
2. Constitutional rights, including free speech and religion and the rest of the Bill of Rights -- Trump loves these, Hillary hates them
3. Put Americans first -- "government for the people"
4. Justice for Hillary's email server crimes, which would have put anyone else in prison
5. Hillary had her maid print out classified documents!?

6. Vision:  Trump's not just a rich guy who "does transactions" -- he builds stuff, from drawing board to launch

7. Leadership: Trump has resilience and stamina and never gives up -- look at all the setbacks he's overcome in this campaign!

8. Amnesty for ~30 M illegal aliens under Hillary would permanently hand elections to the Democratic Party [90 percent of immigrants, whether legal or illegal, vote Democrat]

9. End the Clinton era of corruption in government

10. Repeal and replace Obamacare
11. Tom Brady and Bill Belichick are voting for Trump
12. Make America Great Again!

It's a binary choice -- either Trump or Hillary WILL be the next president.  Save America and Trump the establishment and special interests. 
VOTE.FOR.TRUMP and place your ballot in a ballot box by tomorrow before 8pm if you haven't already. Thanks.


------------------ a side note:
A retired priest:  "So, Schola, I have one question for you."
Me:  "Yes?"
ARP:  "So, why do you support Trump so much?"
Me:  Taking a deep breath, "Do we have any better choice?"
ARP:  "You know.... "
Me:  "Ah, that was one question."

Thursday, October 30, 2008

May God Protect and Bless America!

As the Presidential election is just around the corner, there are many calls to prayers and formation of conscience to fulfill our political responsibility.

Here are the useful websites to help us pray and discern the right choice:

Faithful Citizenship website hosted by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)

A Prayer for our Nation as we Prepare to Elect our Leaders

Novena for Faithful Citizenship

Pray for justice, peace, and life with the Novena for Faithful Citizenship. Download the Podcast and join Catholics throughout the United States in prayer, beginning Tuesday, September 2, nine weeks before the election.

Voters Guide for Serious Catholics

The 5 Non-Negotiable Issues:
1. Abortion
2. Euthanisia
3. Embryonic Stem Cell Research
4. Human Cloning
5. Homosexual "Marriage"

"...responsible citizenship is a virtue and participation in political life is a moral obligation..."

Political Responsibility Center website hosted by Priests for Life